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How to Play Rummy without Joker Cards?

Rummy is a card game which has become popular among the people of all age groups, despite of its intricacies and complexities. Each card of all four suits holds the different yet significant place. But amongst all these cards, we cannot ignore a card which plays a pivotal role in the game – The Joker Card!

However, many of us don’t know that it is possible to play rummy even without the Joker card, Startled?

Come, read on and find out how to play rummy without using the Joker card –

Precaution in Points

For all the amateur player, remember, what does seasoned players keep in mind, while making sets without joker. The calculation points, according to their denomination is a step that differentiates a winner player from a novice player. The sequences are decided based on suits and numbers, with a motive of keeping the points possibly low. If because of this, the player decides to drop during the initial step, then it is considered a wise move as it saves you from upcoming penalty points.


While playing rummy, if you are not considering the joker card, you can use the leftover card that you get after dealing with the cards. The leftover card then can be shown to the other players as well, and hence, treated as a joker card. This is a popular rummy practice among the players. The card works well to make melds and sequences just like a joker card would have made!

The Extra Concern

There is no doubt that it gets super easy to arrange sequences with the presence of joker card. However, in its absence, a player should make an extremely well-thought move while playing. Making advances of picking or dropping cards needs to be regulated and manipulated with the sole idea of making sets of maximum number of cards as promptly as possible.

So, people don’t restrict yourself from trying your hand at this game, because who knows what reward is waiting for you!